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0 Preservatives:
Make Way for
100% Beauty Skin
With our 0 Preservatives formula, FANCL resets and restores your skin's glow for 100% Beauty.
Watch your skin improve in just 30 days
Your skin benefits 100% from our preservative-free skincare.
(Hover over the picture to watch the improvement.)
How does 0 Preservatives promise you 100% beauty?
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FANCL's preservative-free products are made only with pure ingredients to maximize their nourishing and radiant benefits.
Damage to Skin Cells
Preservatives accumulate in the skin and accelerate the aging of skin cells. Preservative-free products protect your skin at the celuular level for better nourishing results.
Preservative-free products strengthen the protective power of your skin, making it less prone to inflammation and sensitivity.
Loss of Effectiveness
Every drop of our essence is guaranteed to be fresh, highly active and free of preservatives, to ensure that your skin benefits 100% from our nourishing formula.
Collagen Degradation
Preservatives in skincare negate the products' antiaging effects, as they damage the structure of collagen - the key ingredient that keeps the skin supple.
Accumulated in skin, preservatives can stimulate melanin production and speed up dark spot formation. Beat pigmentation and dull skin woes by saying No to preservatives!